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About Us

The incalculable benefits of technology advancement and plethora of Information technology tools and solutions engenders rapid economic growth in developed and developing nations alike, however technology’s ubiquity and availability, as such the “World Wide Web” makes it a Greenfield for malicious activity now pervading the cyberspace. Cyber-crime poses a huge threat to outstripping these economic gains, negatively impacting business growth and stifle economic activity.

Cyber-crime has the attention of not just of CISOs or CSOs, but also of world leaders, as it poses a threat to economic and national security. Threat reports alludes to the increase of Cyber-attacks year in year out, ranging from high profile security breaches in financial organisations to government websites getting defaced to mention a few, technological advancement’s pace seems mirrored by the spate of Cyber-attacks, we hope business and political leaders can take a cue from these security incidents to take decisive actions in deploying effective regulation and policies to protect private and public sectors assets. In the wake of this evolving phenomenon, coupled with our expertise, understanding and recognition of an urgent need to address these issues, Cyber Security Experts of Nigeria (CSEAN) was established as an advocacy group on all matters and challenges faced by Information Security in Nigeria, to be an enabler focused on improving the standards and practices of Information Security in the country.

CSEAN is a non-profit organisation made up of Information security professionals, centred on a collective purpose and vision to be a vehicle championing the cause and awareness of Information security best practices, acting as an agent of change to address Cyber Crime phenomena through engaging intellectual minds, business and political leaders. As Cyber Security protagonist we look to hold healthy debate, to expand the audiences’ knowledge, awareness and understanding of the issues around Cyber-crime. Through workshops and seminars we wish to share knowledge and grow the Information Security Industry in the country, whilst creating youth forums to breed future generation of Information Security professionals, also to hold broader discussions with the government officials on issues of tackling Cyber Crime.

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