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Cyber Security Reporting

The rapid expansion of Internet connectivity has increased the number of cyberattack occurrences significantly, frequently with tragic and distressing results. Computer networks and information technology solutions have grown heavily reliant on our society, economy, and critical infrastructures. The more we rely on information technology, the more enticing and potentially devastating cyberattacks become.

Cyberattacks on organisations are no more a question of if, but of when. Organisations in Nigeria lose billions of naira each year due to cyberattacks, despite investing more in cybersecurity. The majority of what they do in terms of cybersecurity is just to meet regulatory requirements. It is more than that because cyberattacks are primarily driven by flaws in organisation security architecture.

So, what is ahead for Nigeria in 2023? What lessons can we apply to the upcoming year from 2022?

To answer the above questions, CSEAN provides the following cyber threat forecasts for 2023 to help you develop your cybersecurity resilience strategy, objectives, and roadmap for the coming year. We must understand that knowledge is an important component of any cyber security program, and we hope that the insights presented in this report will assist individuals, organisations, and the government in preparing for attacks and other cyber trends that may affect them in 2023. 

  • John Odumesi                                                                                                Director of Research and Development

To Download the  report. Click the link below

CSEAN Cyber Threat Forecast 2023.
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